Founder Peter Widholz
Peter Widholz
(artistic director)
Born in Vienna, Peter Widholz received his artistic education in his hometown. His teachers were Prof.Ernst Scheurecker ( vocal training) and renowned actress Marianne Nentwich ( drama lessons). In 1992, even before he completed his studies, he successfully performed as a tenor at the world premiere of the posthumous opera „ Der Graf von Gleichen“ by Franz Schubert.
Peter Widholz completed his vocal and drama education in 1995 and made his debut at the Wiener Kammeroper. Subsequently, he had numerous domestic and international engagements in opera and operetta productions. He also performed in concerts in Austria, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Romania. Most of these performances were transmitted live by several European broadcast and television stations as well as via satellite all over the world. Among his most successful parts are the title role in the opera „Der Apotheker“ by Joseph Haydn, Rosillon and Danilo in „ Die Lustige Witwe“ by Franz Lehar, Stanislaus in „ Der Vogelhändler“ by Carl Zeller, Count Balduin Zedlau in „Wiener Blut“, Caramello in „ Eine Nacht in Venedig“, Eisenstein and Alfred in „ Die Fledermaus“ and the title figure in „ Der Zigeunerbaron“ by Johann Strauss.
However, Peter Widholz‘ interests and repertoire extend far beyond the field of light Viennese music. He has been active in the area of sacred music since he was a student. He performed in Mozart’s Requiem and several Masses by Hadyn and Mozart in Salzburg Cathedral and in St.Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, to mention only the most important ones. A further area of his interest are the musical genres of the Lied and the oratorio. „Die Schöne Müllerin“,a song cycle by Franz Schubert, and Haydn’s oratorio „Schöpfung“ are in his repertoire.
In 1996, his first CD was released. In the same year, Peter Widholz founded the Classical Operetta Ensemble of Vienna, which he has directed ever since. In the following years, he developed great enthusiasm and skills essential for a stage director and was so successful that his production of the operetta „Alt Wien“ ( music by Lanner) was performed at the international Vienna Summer Festival „ Klangbogen“ in 2001. In addition to these activities, he established a reputation as a competent and renowned presenter. In 2005, Peter Widholz was appointed president of the Johann Strauss Society of Vienna.