Wolfgang Gerstberger
Wolfgang Gerstberger was born in Lower Austria and received a broad musical education. At the age of 17 he learned to play the piano ( with Johannes R.Libal), and the guitar ( with Johanna Leutgöb). He also took singing lessons (with Johannes R.Libal and Swana Egilsdotir). Three years later he enrolled for instrumental and voice pedagogy at the Franz Schubert Konservatorium in Vienna. His teachers were Peter Havlicek ( jazz guitar) and Herbert Otahal (jazz piano).
In 2012, Wolfgang Gerstberger founded a party band named „Woifal mit Band“, in which he has been successfully singing and playing the guitar to this day. At the same time, he developed a passion for the contraguitar and the genre of Viennese songs ( Wienerlieder). As a member of the Penzinger Konzertschrammeln he participated in a concert of the Johann Strauss Society of Vienna in 2018. When, in 2023, the Society’s own Schrammel quartet was founded, Wolfgang Gerstberger became a member of this quartet from the start.