Eliette von Karajan

On 23rd October 2023 The Golden Johann Strauss Award was given to Eliette von Karajan, Herbert von Karajan’s widow, as a token of thanks for her generous financial contribution to the research work necessary for the creation of the first critical edition of all surviving orchestral works of Johann Strauss („Strauss Edition Wien“ – Alexander Hermann). The compilation of this complete edition, in score and parts, was facilitated by an initiative of the Johann Strauss Society of Vienna and has been available since 2020.
The award was accepted by Arabel von Karajan, Eliette’s younger daughter on behalf of her mother, who had not appeared publicly for some time. Arabel emotionally expressed her thanks and quoted the words her father had spoken to the global public when conducting the New Year’s Concert on 1st January 1987, „Peace,peace and once again peace!“
The ceremony was followed by a gala dinner in the Marchfelderhof Restaurant and was attended by many prominent guests and numerous representatives of the media (above all of the ORF).

Arabel von Karajan appreciated the musical contributions framing the award ceremony: after the welcome by the Auersthal Band, compositions for virtuosos were presented by some emerging talents (Fidelis Rümmele (violin), Tobias Theissing (oboe), Niklas Chroust (piano). In between beautiful harp music was played by Petra Malin. The climax of the musical programme was achieved by Johann Strauss‘ waltz Wiener Blut and the fast polka Leichtes Blut, presented by the newly founded Johann Strauss Konzertschrammaln Wien. It was followed by frantic applause.
Numerous TV, internet and print media reports came out on the following days. Two of them might serve as examples:
Online report of the Stuttgartner Nachrichten 25th October 2023:
It was a premiere of a special kind for Arabel von Karajan yesterday. „I have never managed to see the Marchfelderhof Restaurant personally“, she said. „ But now I understand why my father was so fond of this restaurant.“ Overwhelmed by the lavish decoration she pointed out that many a stage designer could draw inspiration for numerous productions from this cult restaurant. The reason for her visit to the Marchfelderhof Restaurant was the presentation of the Golden Johann Strauss Award. President Peter Widholz had the honour to grant this year’s award to Eliette von Karajan, who had contributed considerably to the creation of the first ond only complete edition of the works of the waltz king Johann Strauss.
Report in Leadersnet Austria 24th October 2023:
Presentation of the Golden Johann Strauss Award to Eliette von Karajan:
The Johann Strauss Society of Vienna honoured the conductor’s widow for her contribution to the preservation of the composer’s works. Her daughter Arabel accepted the award.
Every year, the Johann Strauss Society of Vienna grants an award to personalities who have rendered great service to the maintainance of Johann Strauss‘ works. The festive award ceremony is traditionally held as part of a gala dinner in the Marchfelderhof Restaurant in Deutsch-Wagram.
This year’s award was given to Eliette von Karajan, who had made a considerable contribution to the creation of the worldwide first complete edition of the Waltz King‘s works. The compilation of this edition came about due to an initiative of the Johann Strauss Society of Vienna.
It was a premiere of a special kind for Arabel von Karajan yesterday. „ I have never managed to see the Marchfelderhof Restaurant personally“, she said. „But now I understand why my father was so fond of this restaurant. My mother cannot accept the award personally for health reasons,but I will hand it over to her immediately“, Arabel emphasized. „ When I tell my mother that there is a special Herbert von Karajan Stammtisch with Dad’s fingerprint in the Marchfelderhof Restaurant, she will certainly be delighted.
Marble commemorative plaque in Karajan’s honour
After the Deutsch-Wagram Concert Band marched into the tapestry hall playing the Viennese New Year’s Concert March, and the festive gala dinner prepared by Chef Christian Langer, a marble commemorative plaque in Karajan’s honour was unveiled by the host Peter Grossmann. Among the guests were Marianne Nentwich, doyenne of the Theater in der Josefstadt ,Martina Fasslabend,the popular actor Gerhard Ernst, Edith Leyrer, Stephan Paryla-raky and President of the Landtag, Karl Wilfing. The wine tasting led by Katharina Baumgartner and the musical accompaniment by the newly-founded Johann Strauss Konzertschrammeln pleasantly framed such a special occasion, and greatly contributed to the creation of an exhilarated atmosphere.